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Fig. 3 | BMC Neuroscience

Fig. 3

From: Estimating the location and size of retinal injections from orthogonal images of an intact retina

Fig. 3

Screenshot of IntactEye being used used to mark up the eye and injection. The two images have a wire-frame overlaid such that the axes can be reconstructed. 1 Load image. 2 Reload a previously saved file. 3 Toggle left and right eye coordinate system. 4 Slider to rotate the eye around the centre axis in top view. 5 Hide wire-frame for top view. 6 Reset top view. 79 Same as 46, but for side view. 10 Slider to adjust rim angle (yellow circle in figure). 11 Mark injection in top and side views. 12 Estimate area of injection side from top or side view. Slider adjusts threshold. 13 Save results to MAT file and export figures. 14 Controls to generate synthetic data and verify user accuracy on the synthetic data. 15 Flat view of injection site location, showing spherical coordinates. The red dot is centred on the location and drawn to scale to reflect the approximate area of the injection. 16 Retinal rim. 17 Injection location. Coordinate axes of the nasal and ventral axis are shown. As a visual guide the axes lines are shown as solid if they are above the image plane, and dashed if below it. The optic disc is visible close to the centre of the eye in the top view. A thin white line just under has been drawn by the experimentalist in the image to mark the nasal injection site, barely visible under the nasal axis in the top view

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