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Figure 3 | BMC Neuroscience

Figure 3

From: A large population of diverse neurons in the Drosophilacentral nervous system expresses short neuropeptide F, suggesting multiple distributed peptide functions

Figure 3

Relation between sNPFp immunolabeled structures and fasciclin2 (Fas2)-immunolabeled tracts/boundaries in the larval ventral cord. These are voltex reconstructions from confocal image stacks. A1 – A4. Specimen double labeled with sNPFp (green) and anti-Fas2 (magenta) reveals segmental organization of cell bodies and relation of sNPFp-IR axon tracts to Fas2 tracts. In A1–A3 maximum projections are shown and in A4 a voltex reconstruction (see methods). B1 – B4. A cross section through first abdominal segment (neuromere A1) showing relations between sNPF labeled structures and Fas2 tracts. The dorsal median cell bodies of A1 are visible (DP) as well as axons in the major ventral median tracts (VM and DM; see C2) and along the C1 tract (arrow head). C1. Schematic presentation of sNPFp labeled neurons (grey and green) and Fas2 tracts (magenta) revealing segmental localization of cell bodies, dorsal view. C2. Transverse view of A1 showing sNPFp-IR cell bodies (grey and green) and axons (green) in relation to Fas2 labeled tracts (magenta). Grey: small cells with variable and weaker staining intensity, Green: larger cells with consistent and strong staining intensity. The longitudinal tracts are designated DL (dorso-lateral), DM (dorso-medial), VM (ventro-medial), CI (centro-intermediate), CL (centro-lateral) and VL (ventro-lateral) and transverse tracts 1 – 4. Note that cell bodies located dorsally, laterally and ventrally. Scale bars: 50 μm in A1–A4, 30 μm in B1–B4.

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