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Figure 16 | BMC Neuroscience

Figure 16

From: A large population of diverse neurons in the Drosophilacentral nervous system expresses short neuropeptide F, suggesting multiple distributed peptide functions

Figure 16

Relation between sNPF-expression and other neuropeptides in the CNS. Labeling with antiserum to sNPFp and GFP driven by Gal4s displaying peptide expression (dNPF, Mai179 and Dilp2) or antiserum to insulin-like peptide 7 (ILP7). A1 – 3. In the adult brain colocalization of sNPF-immunolabeling and dNPF-Gal4 expression (long NPF) is seen only in one cell body per hemisphere (arrow). These cell bodies are located in the DLN1 cluster of the dorsal protocerebrum. B1 – 2. In the adult dorsal protocerebrum (SLP) there is a dense supply of neuronal processes expressing sNPF (magenta) and dNPF (green), but no colocalized markers are seen in these processes. These images are slightly tilted (the dorso-ventral axis is indicated by the d-v line). γ, gamma lobe of mushroom body. C1 – 2. The Mai179-Gal4 drives GFP in a specific set of neurons (PI) in the adult pars intercerebralis (arrow). In a subset of these we find sNPF colocalized. DLN1, dorsal lateral neurons. D1 – 3 Details of Mai179-Gal4 and sNPF expression in adult pars intercerebralis neurons. At least four of these neurons express both markers (e. g. at arrows). E. In the larval thoracic-abdominal ganglia the neuropeptide corazonin (CRZ) is expressed in neurons (magenta) distinct from the sNPF-Gal4 expressing ones (green). F. Insulin-like peptide 7 (ILP7) immunoreactivity is detected in the DP neurons in A1 that co-express sNPF-Gal4 (merged image stack). G1 – 3. Single sections showing the coexpression of ILP7 and sNPF in DP neurons. H1 – 3. Relation between sNPFp-immunolabled axon terminations (magenta) and dendrites (arrow) of Dilp2-Gal4 expressing neurons (green) in pars intercerebralis. Note that the sNPF-expressing terminations impinge on the dendrites. Some of the sNPF-IR processes seen here are likely to be derived from the DP neurons.

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