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Figure 5 | BMC Neuroscience

Figure 5

From: On the matching of top-down knowledge with sensory input in the perception of ambiguous speech

Figure 5

Time courses of grand average gamma band activity in the 38 - 44 Hz range are shown. Left: Comparison of the time courses of induced (upper panel) and evoked GBA (lower panel) over left anterior temporal electrode sites. Solid lines represent disconfirming, dashed lines confirming #-items. Black lines picture #-items following K-items and grey lines represent #-items with T-items as predecessor. The underlying grey box pictures the latency range noise-replacement. The starred range always depicts the time course identified by the permutation test. Right: Shown are the topographies of the GBA in the 430 - 490 ms latency range for each #-item respectively. The area of left anterior temporal electrodes sites (cf. Figure 3) is outlined in black. Depicted latency range is the same as indicated by the starred time course on the left (identified by the permutation tests).

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