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Fig. 1 | BMC Neuroscience

Fig. 1

From: 27th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2018): Part One

Fig. 1

MRI2MRI learns the mapping between different imaging contrasts. (A) Synthesis of PD from T1w: a horizontal slice in one individual brain not shown to the algorithm during training, demonstrating that the algorithm generalizes outside of the training set. Left: input T1w; center: ground truth PD; right: synthesized PD. (B) Synthesis of T2w from T1w: input T1w (left), ground truth T2w (center) and synthesized T2w (right). (C) A many-to-one mapping: combination of T1w, T2w and PD used to synthesize MRA of an individual brain not used during training. The maximum intensity projection along the axial dimension for ground truth (left) and synthesized MRA (right)

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