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Fig. 6 | BMC Neuroscience

Fig. 6

From: Estimating the location and size of retinal injections from orthogonal images of an intact retina

Fig. 6

Estimating the precision of the IntactEye method by locating the optic disc. The optic disc is located in the centre of the eye and was visible in 6 out of 11 retinas. For each of the six retinas, the optic disc location was estimated in polar coordinates using IntactEye (triangles) and Retistruct (filled circles). Lines connect two estimates from the same retina. In all six cases, The optic discs were located within 2\(^\circ\) of the geometric centre; by comparison the rim is located at 127\(^\circ\) and so the error in locating the optic disc was under 2 %

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