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Figure 6 | BMC Neuroscience

Figure 6

From: Rhythm generation by the pre-Bötzinger Complex in medullary slice and island preparations: Effects of adenosine A1receptor activation

Figure 6

Manipulation of A 1 R affects synaptic input to preBötC neurons. A. Representative current traces from slice (left) and island preparations (right). Vertical scale: 50 pA. B. Converting slices to island preparations reduced the frequency of total sPSCs and sEPSCs evoked in preBötC neurons (*P < 0.05, Two-sample t-test). This trend appeared to hold true for sIPSCs but did not attain statistical significance. C. NCPA (1 μM) decreased the frequency of sEPSCs and sIPSCs received by preBötC neurons within slice (i, ii) and island preparations (iii, iv) in the presence of strychnine (1 μM). The insets in (ii) and (iv) are magnified views of sIPSC frequencies in the presence of strychnine. Letters above columns show difference from mean frequency under baseline (a, P < 0.05) conditions and in the presence of strychnine (b, P < 0.05).

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