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Figure 4 | BMC Neuroscience

Figure 4

From: Bioinformatic and statistical analysis of the optic nerve head in a primate model of ocular hypertension

Figure 4

Stathmin protein expression in experimental glaucoma in sagittal sections of the ONH (Macaque #5; Supplemental Table 3). (A) Stathmin (red) is not expressed in the retinal ganglion cell layer (GCL) or in the retinal nerve fiber layer (NFL) in the retina of normal monkeys. GFAP stains retinal astrocytes (green). (B) In ExpG, stathmin staining is present in the nerve fiber layer presumably in axons. Stathmin does not co-localize with GFAP+ retinal astrocytes in the nerve fiber layer. Some cells bearing processes stain strongly for stathmin in the nerve fiber layer (arrows). Magnification bar: A = 25 μm; B = 40 μm. (C, D) Co-localization of stathmin and GFAP in astrocytes of the glial columns (GC) in the optic nerve head in normal optic nerve head and ExpG. Axons in the nerve bundles (NB) also exhibit staining for stathmin. Note that cells in the lamina cribrosa (LC) are devoid of staining for stathmin. Magnification bar = 55 μm. (E) Stathmin stains oligodendrocytes in the post-laminar optic nerve in normal optic nerves. (F) Stathmin-labeled bipolar oligodendrocytes (arrows) are abundant in the post-laminar optic nerve in ExpG. Insert shows co-localization of APC (green), a marker of oligodendrocytes cell bodies and non-myelinating processes with stathmin in the post laminar optic nerve. Magnification bar = 35 μm.

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