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Figure 2 | BMC Neuroscience

Figure 2

From: Exploratory behaviour in NO-dependent cyclase mutants of Drosophila shows defects in coincident neuronal signalling

Figure 2

Performance in exploration is altered in sGC mutants. The protocol is the same than figure 1 and the design of the apparatus used is drawn in the top panel of figure 1. Two hundred male and female flies (5 days old) were released into the chamber and the time-course of the ratio of the number of flies accumulating in the two systems was determined. (top) Two mutants, GC253 ca and GC782 bv, were tested along with controls (ca and bv showed indistinguishable profiles). Values are mean ± SEM (n = 10) (at 3 h, T value: 4.28, P value: 0.00044, degrees of freedom: 18 for mutants versus genetic background). (bottom) The mutants and the rescue (GC207 and hsp-sGC; GC207) were heat-shocked (30 min at 37°C with 3 day old flies), then 5 day old flies were tested. We observed that the rescue did not significantly restore the control phenotype. The rescue was also heat-shocked twice (late third instar larva plus adult stage at day 3, same conditions) and this restored the wild type phenotype. Values are mean ± SEM (n = 10) (at 2 h, T value: 9, P value = 0.0001, degrees of freedom: 18 for hsp-sGC;GC207 versus GC207, both heat-shocked at third instar larva + adult).

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