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Figure 2 | BMC Neuroscience

Figure 2

From: Age-related declines in a two-day reference memory task are associated with changes in NMDA receptor subunits in mice

Figure 2

Effects of age on reference memory and cued tasks with cued trials conducted last. A and C: Graphs showing the performance, measured as cumulative proximity in tracker system units, of 3 and 26 month old mice within individual place learning trials (A) and averaged across all place learning trials (C). B: Graph showing the performance, measured as average proximity in tracker system units, of 3 and 26 month old mice within individual probe trials. D: Individual learning index scores with the horizontal bar indicating the mean for each age group. E: Graph showing the performance, measured as cumulative proximity in tracker system units, of 3 and 26 month old mice within cued trials in the water maze. * p < .05 for difference from 3 month old mice (analysis of variance and Fisher's protected least significant difference post-hoc analysis). n = 8 for 3 month olds and n = 6 for 26 month old mice. Error bars represent SEM.

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