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Figure 6 | BMC Neuroscience

Figure 6

From: Octopamine increases the excitability of neurons in the snail feeding system by modulation of inward sodium current but not outward potassium currents

Figure 6

Analysis of the inward currents of buccal neurons. Ai. A series of voltage-steps from a holding potential of -80 mV to between -35 mV and +5 mV on B1 motoneuron. In normal saline an initial fast inward current is followed by outward current. Aii. In saline containing 50 mM tetraethylammonium (TEA) and 4 mM 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) the inward current component is slightly increased while both (the transient and delayed) outward current strongly inhibited. Aiii Changing to Na free saline with the same TEA and 4-AP concentrations shows only a small transient outward current while the inward current is blocked completely. B. Addition of octopamine to normal saline enhances the amplitude of the fast inward currents in B1 and B4 neurons but not in the B2 motoneuron. Individual current traces of representative experiments from -50 mV stepped to -20 mV, -10 mV and -20 mV, respectively in normal saline. The fast inward current is followed by a slower outward component (Bi). In the presence of 10 μM octopamine the fast inward components are increased on B1 and B4 neurons without substantial changes of the outward currents, while the inward current on B2 neuron is decreased (Bii). C. I-V characteristics of the voltage-evoked fast inward currents show increased peak values of the B1 (Ci, n = 8) and B4 (Ciii, n = 8) neurons in the presence of 10 μM octopamine. B2 neurons (n = 6) show decreased amplitudes of the fast inward current (Cii). D. The time at which the peak inward current was observed is not affected by 10 μM octopamine in the B1, B2 or B4 neurons (same preparations as C). In B, C and D experiments were done in normal saline (NS filled symbols) or normal saline supplemented with 10 μM octopamine (OA empty symbols). Mean ± SE. Asterisks mark significance levels of 5% (*), 1%(**) and 0.1% (***).

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