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Figure 1 | BMC Neuroscience

Figure 1

From: Sequential patterns of spikes and scale-invariance in modular networks

Figure 1

(A1) The average number of neurons < l u ( t ) > spiking at the time-step t in the sub-networks u = 1 , 2, and 3 are shown red, blue, and green, respectively, for avalanches of duration τ = 15 starting from the sub-network 1. (B1) The same as (A1) for the mean spiking time < t u s > . (A2) Cumulated temporal profiles < l ( t , τ ) > = ∑ u ∈ S < l u ( t ) > for avalanches of durations τ ∈ T = { 20 , 23 , 26 , 29 , 32 , 35 , 38 } . (B2) The same as (B1) for avalanches of durations τ ∈ T . (A3) and (B3) are the same as (A2) and (B2), respectively, after rescaling the axes ( β = 1 ).

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