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Figure 1 | BMC Neuroscience

Figure 1

From: Pheromonal bile acid 3-ketopetromyzonol sulfate primes the neuroendocrine system in sea lamprey

Figure 1

Sex difference in seasonal steroidal responses after natural pheromone exposure in sea lamprey. Exposure to mature male washings (SMW) for 24 h decreased plasma 15α-hydroxyprogesterone (15α-P) concentrations in immature females in June and July while the same treatment increased 15α-P concentrations in immature males in May and June. Lake Huron water (control) and immature male washings (data not shown) had no effect on 15α-P levels in either sex. Females did not have detectable 15α-P in their plasma early in the spawning season (May), but as the season progressed in June and July, plasma 15α-P concentrations became detectable. In immature males, changes in circulating 15α-P after SMW treatment was greater earlier in the spawning season (May) but diminished in later in the season (July). Sex differences in plasma 15α-P concentrations were significant (p < 0.05). * Statistically significant between pre- and post-treatment level in the same group (p < 0.05).

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