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Figure 6 | BMC Neuroscience

Figure 6

From: Kalrnplays key roles within and outside of the nervous system

Figure 6

KalSRKO/KOmice exhibit several behavioral changes similar to Kal7KO/KOmice . A. Naive mice were subjected to the elevated zero maze test for 5 min. KalSRKO/KO mice spent more time in the open arm than WT mice (F(2,35)=9.926, p<0.001); error bars are S.E.M. B. Genotype dependent impairment was evident in the passive avoidance test, with the greatest effect on KalSRKO/KO mice (F(2,42)= 9.658; p<0.001). Bonferroni corrected t-tests revealed a difference between WT and KalSRKO/+ (p<0.05) mice but not between KalSR+/KO and KalSRKO/KO mice. C. A novel object recognition paradigm was used to determine learning and memory impairments in the KalSRKO/KO mice. Both WT and KalSRKO/KO mice spent significantly more time with the novel object (WT, t(28)=8, p<0.001)(KO, t(28)=5.5, p<0.001), but KalSRKO/KO mice showed increased exploratory behavior compared to WT mice (t(28)=4.519,p<0.05 ); error bars are S.E.M. Male and female mice responded similarly in elevated zero maze and passive avoidance tests and data were pooled; the novel object recognition test was carried out only on male mice.

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