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Figure 6 | BMC Neuroscience

Figure 6

From: Gene expression in the rat brain: High similarity but unique differences between frontomedial-, temporal- and occipital cortex

Figure 6

Functional characterisation of the 65 genes regionally enriched in cortex subregions. Panther was used to search for over-represented biological processes and molecular functions among the sub-regionally enriched cortex-genes. The heat map demonstrates the significance of over- and under-represented Panther categories in the entire set of 65 cortical genes (column 2), the 30 FMCx genes (column 3), the 24 TCx genes (column 4) and the 11 OCx genes (column 5). The colour intensity displays the statistical significance (negative log p-value) of over- and under-represented functional categories. Red colour signifies an over-representation of genes mapping to a certain term, blue colour an under-representation and white a representation as expected, based on the overall distribution on the array. Numbers presented on the heat map indicate the percentage of genes within a gene set that map to the given category, e.g. 38% of the 65 regional genes map to the biological process 'signal transduction'. The first column states the overall distribution of a term among the 25,170 genes with detectable expression in the data set, e.g. 13.6% of the 65 regional genes were expected to map to 'signal transduction', hence this category is significantly over-represented among our regional genes. Exp, expected (based on overall distribution on array); Cx, cortex; FCx, fronto-medial cortex; TCx, temporal cortex; OCx, occipital cortex; #, number of genes in each gene set; %, percentage of genes.

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