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Figure 2 | BMC Neuroscience

Figure 2

From: Modulating spontaneous brain activity using repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation

Figure 2

Step-wise procedure and end result of the regression method. From the independent component representing the DMN, obtained with spatiotemporal group ICA (1), we used the subject-and-session specific timecourses (2) to reconstruct subject-specific 3D maps for the 10 subjects*2 sessions (3). As a verification, we calculated the group means of the sham and rTMS groups separately ('reconstructed IC4') and observed that the DMN-characteristic pattern of regional co-activations occurred in both groups, with an additional co-activation of the hippocampal and lateral temporal cortices after sham stimulation but not real stimulation (4). Upon formal testing, using groupwise within-subject component general linear modelling, the lateral temporal regions differed significantly between conditions, such that their activation was reduced after rTMS. The image is thresholded at z > 2.3, showing the extent of the reductions and subthreshold reductions in the bilateral hippocampus (5). The reverse contrast showed an increase in activation of the right caudate nucleus (not shown).

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