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Table 3 Clustering of the genes whose expression is altered in the choroid plexus upon repeated peripheral LPS injection.

From: The choroid plexus response to a repeated peripheral inflammatory stimulus

Atered genes


3 days

15 days

Signaling pathways

Toll like receptor signaling

Tlr7; Mapk8; Cd14; Relb ↑



T cell receptor signaling

Mapk8; Nfat5;Btk; Vav1; Relb ↑; Rras2; Nfatc1 ↓

Itk ↑


B cell receptor signaling

Fcgr2a; Bcl2a1; Mapk8; Nfat5; Map2k7; Rac2; Fcgr2b; Inpp5d; Btk; Vav1; Relb ↑; Rras2; Nfatc1; Bcl2l1 ↓



SAPK JNK signaling

Gpr65; Gpr24; Mapk8; Map2k7; Rac2; Sh2d2a ↑; Rras2; Fadd; Nfatc1; Egfr ↓

Gng11;Gpr34 ↑; Dusp8 ↓


Natural killer signaling

Fcer1g; Tyrobp; Siglec7; Rac2; Klrd1; Inpp5d; Vav1; Hcst ↑; Rras2 ↓

Klrd1; Siglec7 ↑


NF-kB signaling

Tlr7; Tnfsf13b; Mapk8; Map2k7; Relb ↑; Rras2; Egf; Tnfsf11; Egfr ↓

Tnfsf13b ↑


JAK/STAT signaling

Stat3 ↑; Rras2 ↓



cAMP mediated signaling

Rgs10; Grm3; Stat3 ↑; Gnai; Grk4; Cngb1; Rgs12 ↓

Adcy9; Crem ↓


Interferon signaling

Isgf3g; Tap1; Ifngr2; Ifitm1; Ifitm3; Ifi205; Irf5; Ifngr2 ↑

Ifitm1 ↑


GM-CSF signaling

Bcl2a1; Stat3 ↑; Rras2; Bcl2l1 ↓



Integrin signaling

Mapk8; Actin4; Rac2 ↑; Rras2; Egfr ↓

Itgae; Itgb7 ↑


IL-10 signaling

Il10ra; Tcgr2a; Mapk8; Cd14; Fcgr2b; Stat3; Relb ↑



IL-6 signaling

Mapk8; Map2k7; Cd14; Stat3; Relb ↑; Rras2 ↓



IL-4 signaling

Nfat5; Il2rg; Inpp5d ↑; Rras2; Nfatc1 ↓



IL-2 signaling

Mapk8; Il2rg ↑; Rras2 ↓



Complement/coagulation cascade signaling

C3; C1qa; C1qb; C1qg; Vwf; Serping1; C2 ↑

Serpind1; C1qg; C1qa; C3 ↓


Apoptosis signaling

Casp1; Bcl2a1; Mapk8; Map2k7; Relb ↑; Rras2; Bcl2l1; Ecfr; Bcl2 ↓

Card14 ↑


Antigen presentation pathway

B2m; H2-T23; Tap1; Psmb9 ↑


Acute phase response

Acute phase proteins

Serping1; Map2k7; C3; Mapk8;Saa3;Vwf; Stat3; Slp; C2; serpina3n ↑; Fn1; Rras2 ↓

C3 ↑

Leukocyte migration

Leukocyte extravasation signaling

Ncf2; Selpl; Mapk8; Cyba; Jam2; Actn4; Rac2; Mmp23; Icam1; Glycam1; Madcam1; Timp1; Btk; Vav1 ↑; Gnai ↓

Icam1; Itk; Cyba ↑


Extracellular matrix

Timp1; Dcn; Lamb2; Fbln1; Mmp23; Tecta; Emid1 ↑; Fn1 ↓

Tnc; Spon2 ↓


Cytokine signaling

Il16; Ccl5; Cxcl1; Ccl7; Ccl13; Xcl1; Cxcl16; Ccl2 ↑; Gnai1; Rras2 ↓

Cxcl1; Ccl7; Xcl1; Ccl2 ↑


Actin cytoskeleton signaling

Nckap1l; Gpr65; Gpr34; Actn4; Kng1; Rac2; Cd14; Vav1 ↑; Rras2; Fgf7; Egf; Myh14; Fn1; Egfr ↓

Gpr34 ↑


Axonal guidance signaling

Igf1; Nfat5; Rac2; Fes ↑; Gnai1; Slit2; Rras2; Rgma; Nfatc1; Egf; Egfr ↓

Rgmb ↑