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Archived Comments for: lin-12 Notch functions in the adult nervous system of C. elegans

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  1. Incorrect citation in article

    Anne Hart, Center for Cancer Research, Massachusetts General Hospital and Department of Pathology, Harvard Medical School

    18 June 2007

    The final version of the article says: "We did not detect any overt cell fate changes or morphological defects in any of these or other neurons in lin-12(lf), lin-12(gfcs) or lin-12(n137gf) mutant animals (data not shown), consistent with a previous report [47] and supporting our conclusion that lin-12 mediated behavioral changes were not due to developmental defects."

    This sentence should cite to reference #41 by Altun-Gultekin, et al. which also finds that altering lin-12 Notch activity does not change neuronal morphology.

    Competing interests

    No competing interest.
